Our Mission:

To make the love of God in Christ known in Aberdeen and beyond through word and action

The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the good news of God's love in Christ and to live out our discipleship in worship, learning & caring, service and evangelism in everything we do.

What is our vision?

praise | hope | care


Worship both shapes and expresses our commitment to what we believe to be of worth. We will put worship of the God of love - Father, Son and Spirit - at the centre of everything we do.


Through service, we seek to work out our commitment to the God of love in the world around us.

Through evangelism, we seek to challenge others to reflect on what they believe to be of worth, and to invite them to join in our worship, learning, caring and service of the God of love.


Through learning and caring, among ourselves and with those around us, we seek to express God's love for humanity as we are, while developing our capacity to be more Christlike.